Source code for scholarly._scholarly

import requests
import random
import os
import copy
import pprint
from typing import Callable, List
from ._navigator import Navigator
from ._proxy_generator import ProxyGenerator
from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv
from .author_parser import AuthorParser
from .publication_parser import PublicationParser, _SearchScholarIterator
from .data_types import Author, AuthorSource, Publication, PublicationSource

_AUTHSEARCH = '/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors={0}'
_KEYWORDSEARCH = '/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=label:{0}'
_KEYWORDSEARCHBASE = '/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors={}'
_PUBSEARCH = '/scholar?hl=en&q={0}'
_CITEDBYSEARCH = '/scholar?hl=en&cites={0}'

[docs]class _Scholarly: """Class that manages the API for scholarly""" def __init__(self): load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) self.env = os.environ.copy() self.__nav = Navigator()
[docs] def set_retries(self, num_retries: int)->None: """Sets the number of retries in case of errors :param num_retries: the number of retries :type num_retries: int """ return self.__nav._set_retries(num_retries)
[docs] def use_proxy(self, proxy_generator: ProxyGenerator)->None: """Select which proxy method to use. See the available ProxyGenerator methods. :param proxy_generator: proxy generator objects :type proxy_generator: ProxyGenerator """ self.__nav.use_proxy(proxy_generator)
[docs] def set_logger(self, enable: bool): """Enable or disable the logger for google scholar. Enabled by default """ self.__nav.set_logger(enable)
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout: int): """Set timeout period in seconds for scholarly""" self.__nav.set_timeout(timeout)
[docs] def search_pubs(self, query: str, patents: bool = True, citations: bool = True, year_low: int = None, year_high: int = None, sort_by: str = "relevance", include_last_year: str = "abstracts", start_index: int = 0)->_SearchScholarIterator: """Searches by query and returns a generator of Publication objects :param query: terms to be searched :type query: str :param patents: Whether or not to include patents, defaults to True :type patents: bool, optional :param citations: Whether or not to include citations, defaults to True :type citations: bool, optional :param year_low: minimum year of publication, defaults to None :type year_low: int, optional :param year_high: maximum year of publication, defaults to None :type year_high: int, optional :param sort_by: 'relevance' or 'date', defaults to 'relevance' :type sort_by: string, optional :param include_last_year: 'abstracts' or 'everything', defaults to 'abstracts' and only applies if 'sort_by' is 'date' :type include_last_year: string, optional :param start_index: starting index of list of publications, defaults to 0 :type start_index: int, optional :returns: Generator of Publication objects :rtype: Iterator[:class:`Publication`] :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_pubs('Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3D objects') scholarly.pprint(next(search_query)) # in order to pretty print the result :Output:: .. testoutput:: {'author_id': ['4bahYMkAAAAJ', 'ruUKktgAAAAJ', ''], 'bib': {'abstract': 'Humans can judge from vision alone whether an object is ' 'physically stable or not. Such judgments allow observers ' 'to predict the physical behavior of objects, and hence ' 'to guide their motor actions. We investigated the visual ' 'estimation of physical stability of 3-D objects (shown ' 'in stereoscopically viewed rendered scenes) and how it ' 'relates to visual estimates of their center of mass ' '(COM). In Experiment 1, observers viewed an object near ' 'the edge of a table and adjusted its tilt to the ' 'perceived critical angle, ie, the tilt angle at which ' 'the object', 'author': ['SA Cholewiak', 'RW Fleming', 'M Singh'], 'pub_year': '2015', 'title': 'Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3-D ' 'objects', 'venue': 'Journal of vision'}, 'citedby_url': '/scholar?cites=15736880631888070187&as_sdt=5,33&sciodt=0,33&hl=en', 'eprint_url': '', 'filled': False, 'gsrank': 1, 'num_citations': 23, 'pub_url': '', 'source': 'PUBLICATION_SEARCH_SNIPPET', 'url_add_sclib': '/citations?hl=en&xsrf=&continue=/scholar%3Fq%3DPerception%2Bof%2Bphysical%2Bstability%2Band%2Bcenter%2Bof%2Bmass%2Bof%2B3D%2Bobjects%26hl%3Den%26as_sdt%3D0,33&citilm=1&json=&update_op=library_add&info=K8ZpoI6hZNoJ&ei=QhqhX66wKoyNy9YPociEuA0', 'url_scholarbib': '/scholar?'} """ url = _construct_url(_PUBSEARCH.format(requests.utils.quote(query)), patents=patents, citations=citations, year_low=year_low, year_high=year_high, sort_by=sort_by, start_index=start_index) return self.__nav.search_publications(url)
[docs] def search_citedby(self, publication_id: int, **kwargs): """Searches by Google Scholar publication id and returns a generator of Publication objects. :param publication_id: Google Scholar publication id :type publication_id: int For the remaining parameters, see documentation of `search_pubs`. """ url = _construct_url(_CITEDBYSEARCH.format(str(publication_id)), **kwargs) return self.__nav.search_publications(url)
[docs] def search_single_pub(self, pub_title: str, filled: bool = False)->PublicationParser: """Search by scholar query and return a single Publication container object :param pub_title: Title of the publication to search :type pub_title: string :param filled: Whether the application should be filled with additional information :type filled: bool """ url = _PUBSEARCH.format(requests.utils.quote(pub_title)) return self.__nav.search_publication(url, filled)
[docs] def search_author(self, name: str): """Search by author name and return a generator of Author objects :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_author('Marty Banks, Berkeley') scholarly.pprint(next(search_query)) :Output:: .. testoutput:: {'affiliation': 'Professor of Vision Science, UC Berkeley', 'citedby': 21074, 'email_domain': '', 'filled': False, 'interests': ['vision science', 'psychology', 'human factors', 'neuroscience'], 'name': 'Martin Banks', 'scholar_id': 'Smr99uEAAAAJ', 'source': 'SEARCH_AUTHOR_SNIPPETS', 'url_picture': ''} """ url = _AUTHSEARCH.format(requests.utils.quote(name)) return self.__nav.search_authors(url)
[docs] def fill(self, object: dict, sections=[], sortby: str = "citedby", publication_limit: int = 0) -> Author or Publication: """Fills the object according to its type. If the container type is Author it will fill the additional author fields If it is Publication it will fill it accordingly. :param object: the Author or Publication object that needs to get filled :type object: Author or Publication :param sections: the sections that the user wants filled for an Author object. This can be: ['basics', 'indices', 'counts', 'coauthors', 'publications'] :type sections: list :param sortby: if the object is an author, select the order of the citations in the author page. Either by 'citedby' or 'year'. Defaults to 'citedby'. :type sortby: string :param publication_limit: if the object is an author, select the max number of publications you want you want to fill for the author. Defaults to no limit. :type publication_limit: int """ if object['container_type'] == "Author": author_parser = AuthorParser(self.__nav) object = author_parser.fill(object, sections, sortby, publication_limit) if object is False: raise ValueError("Incorrect input") elif object['container_type'] == "Publication": publication_parser = PublicationParser(self.__nav) object = publication_parser.fill(object) return object
[docs] def bibtex(self, object: Publication)->str: """Returns a bibtex entry for a publication that has either Scholar source or citation source :param object: The Publication object for the bibtex exportation :type object: Publication """ if object['container_type'] == "Publication": publication_parser = PublicationParser(self.__nav) return publication_parser.bibtex(object) else: print("Object not supported for bibtex exportation") return
[docs] def citedby(self, object: Publication)->_SearchScholarIterator: """Searches Google Scholar for other articles that cite this Publication and returns a Publication generator. :param object: The Publication object for the bibtex exportation :type object: Publication """ if object['container_type'] == "Publication": publication_parser = PublicationParser(self.__nav) return publication_parser.citedby(object) else: print("Object not supported for bibtex exportation") return
[docs] def search_author_id(self, id: str, filled: bool = False, sortby: str = "citedby", publication_limit: int = 0)->Author: """Search by author id and return a single Author object :param sortby: select the order of the citations in the author page. Either by 'citedby' or 'year'. Defaults to 'citedby'. :type sortby: string :param publication_limit: if the object is an author, select the max number of publications you want you want to fill for the author. Defaults to no limit. :type publication_limit: int :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_author_id('EmD_lTEAAAAJ') scholarly.pprint(search_query) :Output:: .. testoutput:: {'affiliation': 'Institut du radium, University of Paris', 'filled': False, 'interests': [], 'name': 'Marie Skłodowska-Curie', 'scholar_id': 'EmD_lTEAAAAJ', 'source': 'AUTHOR_PROFILE_PAGE'} """ return self.__nav.search_author_id(id, filled, sortby, publication_limit)
[docs] def search_keyword(self, keyword: str): """Search by keyword and return a generator of Author objects :param keyword: keyword to be searched :type keyword: str :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_keyword('Haptics') scholarly.pprint(next(search_query)) :Output:: .. testoutput:: {'affiliation': 'Postdoctoral research assistant, University of Bremen', 'citedby': 56666, 'email_domain': '', 'filled': False, 'interests': ['Computer Graphics', 'Collision Detection', 'Haptics', 'Geometric Data Structures'], 'name': 'Rene Weller', 'scholar_id': 'lHrs3Y4AAAAJ', 'source': 'SEARCH_AUTHOR_SNIPPETS', 'url_picture': ''} """ url = _KEYWORDSEARCH.format(requests.utils.quote(keyword)) return self.__nav.search_authors(url)
[docs] def search_keywords(self, keywords: List[str]): """Search by keywords and return a generator of Author objects :param keywords: a list of keywords to be searched :type keyword: List[str] :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_keywords(['crowdsourcing', 'privacy']) scholarly.pprint(next(search_query)) :Output:: .. testoutput:: {'affiliation': 'Cornell University', 'citedby': 40976, 'email_domain': '', 'filled': False, 'interests': ['Crowdsourcing', 'privacy', 'social computing', 'game theory', 'user-generated content'], 'name': 'Arpita Ghosh', 'scholar_id': '_cMw1IUAAAAJ', 'source': 'SEARCH_AUTHOR_SNIPPETS', 'url_picture': ''} """ formated_keywords = ['label:'+requests.utils.quote(keyword) for keyword in keywords] formated_keywords = '+'.join(formated_keywords) url = _KEYWORDSEARCHBASE.format(formated_keywords) return self.__nav.search_authors(url)
[docs] def search_pubs_custom_url(self, url: str)->_SearchScholarIterator: """Search by custom URL and return a generator of Publication objects URL should be of the form '/scholar?q=...' :param url: custom url to seach for the publication :type url: string """ return self.__nav.search_publications(url)
[docs] def search_author_custom_url(self, url: str)->Author: """Search by custom URL and return a generator of Author objects URL should be of the form '/citation?q=...' :param url: url for the custom author url :type url: string """ return self.__nav.search_authors(url)
[docs] def pprint(self, object: Author or Publication)->None: """Pretty print an Author or Publication container object :param object: Publication or Author container object :type object: Author or Publication """ if 'container_type' not in object: print("Not a scholarly container object") return to_print = copy.deepcopy(object) if to_print['container_type'] == 'Publication': to_print['source'] = PublicationSource(to_print['source']).name elif to_print['container_type'] == 'Author': parser = AuthorParser(self.__nav) to_print['source'] = AuthorSource(to_print['source']).name if parser._sections == to_print['filled']: to_print['filled'] = True else: to_print['filled'] = False if 'coauthors' in to_print: for coauthor in to_print['coauthors']: coauthor['filled'] = False del coauthor['container_type'] coauthor['source'] = AuthorSource(coauthor['source']).name if 'publications' in to_print: for publication in to_print['publications']: publication['source'] = PublicationSource(publication['source']).name del publication['container_type'] del to_print['container_type'] print(pprint.pformat(to_print))
[docs] def search_org(self, name: str, fromauthor: bool = False) -> list: """ Search by organization name and return a list of possible disambiguations :Example:: .. testcode:: search_query = scholarly.search_org('ucla') print(search_query) :Output:: .. testoutput:: [{'Organization': 'University of California, Los Angeles', 'id': '14108176128635076915'}, {'Organization': 'Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado', 'id': '9670678584336165373'} ] """ url = _AUTHSEARCH.format(requests.utils.quote(name)) return self.__nav.search_organization(url, fromauthor)
[docs]def _construct_url(baseurl: str, patents: bool = True, citations: bool = True, year_low: int = None, year_high: int = None, sort_by: str = "relevance", include_last_year: str = "abstracts", start_index: int = 0)-> str: """Construct URL from requested parameters.""" url = baseurl yr_lo = '&as_ylo={0}'.format(year_low) if year_low is not None else '' yr_hi = '&as_yhi={0}'.format(year_high) if year_high is not None else '' citations = '&as_vis={0}'.format(1 - int(citations)) patents = '&as_sdt={0},33'.format(1 - int(patents)) sortby = '' start = '&start={0}'.format(start_index) if start_index > 0 else '' if sort_by == "date": if include_last_year == "abstracts": sortby = '&scisbd=1' elif include_last_year == "everything": sortby = '&scisbd=2' else: print("Invalid option for 'include_last_year', available options: 'everything', 'abstracts'") return elif sort_by != "relevance": print("Invalid option for 'sort_by', available options: 'relevance', 'date'") return # improve str below return url + yr_lo + yr_hi + citations + patents + sortby + start